I owe a debt of gratitude to several people for their assistance with this project.
Special thanks to Alan Duke, Dr. Adam Maksl, Graham Morehead, John Thomas, Dave Jacobson, Dr. Suzana Flores, and Dr. John Villasenor for taking time out of their busy days to participate in my digital videos.
A big thanks to Dr. Carolyn Cunningham, Dr. Josh Misner, and Dr. Mike Hazel at Gonzaga University for their invaluable feedback and guidance during the past 15 months. I have enjoyed this experience very much.
Hat tip to Amanda Michelson for reviewing all the videos and website updates every time I texted her. I also want to give a shout-out to Carlos Mariscal, Brian Torsney, Hala Gorani, and Merina Chacko for casting an eye on the videos.
To my classmates in COML 601 and 602, cheers for your support and recommendations.
And finally, a thank you to my parents, Jack and Arlene Cooper, for their encouragement.
May your news never be fake.